universal mean

英 [ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsl miːn] 美 [ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːrsl miːn]




  1. I'm not sure there is universal agreement about what we mean by sound engineering principles.
  2. The time at Greenwich as measured by the sun is called Universal Time. For many years it was called Greenwich Mean Time.
  3. Using a universal formula for the mean length of a convex set and the generalized support function, this paper has arrived at the mean length of the ellipse.
  4. A More Universal Result on the Intermediate Point in the Mean Value Theorem for First Form Curve Integrals
  5. A Universal Expression of the Electron Mean Free Path for Metallic Carbon Nanotubes in an Axial Magnetic Field
  6. The self-thinning rule, a universal biological law in an even-aged plant population, describes decreasing processes of population densities at-3/ 2 power of plant mean weight on log-log graph.
  7. Studies of the Universal Velocity Distribution Model and the Position of Mean Velocity for Fully-developed Turbulent Flow in Cylindrical Pipes
  8. This technique provides a universal mean of monitoring for the compounds without chromophore.
  9. With the development of Electronic Warfare ( EW) between surface-to-air missile and air strikes, towed decoy as a new type of interference has been the universal concern of developed countries, and has become an effective mean to fight against tracking radar and missile seeker.